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Long Life Ledger

Winter at Long Life Farm

Most people who are not farmers believe winter is vacation time for farmers. While it appears some farmers take vacation in December and January these two farmers have been extremely busy starting Long Life Farm.  Our winter “to do” list is rather lengthy but I am very happy when I can check another item off the list.

Just to name a few items: write business plan; build a hoop house for seedlings; obtain new health, dental, home, auto, farm insurance;  develop and populate website; open and distribute farm share information; negotiate lease with landowner, acquire/build walk in cooler; volunteer at Elmwood school and NOFA; prepare production plan and seed order; attend NOFA winter conference; oh and did I mention insure Mei and Li have done their homework and music practice, are well nourished , happy and in bed on time.  Ok now I am exhausted.



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